Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras, Martes de Carnaval, Fat Tuesday…whatever you want to call it. If you are from New Orleans, Brazil or any other place that celebrates carnaval in a yearly basis this day is a very special day. Memphis doesn’t do it but we have a Mardi Gras parade on Beale Street.
I can talk to you about the history of Mardi Gras but I will talk about this one event in particular.
People that couldn’t make it to New Orleans came to Beale, the streets were packed and people were having a great time.

I saw some friends on the parade, here is my friend Kim sharing some Mardi Gras love. Of course the one an only Silky O’Sullivan was there, I have some pics of the parade on my facebook page.
It was funny to see so many people running around trying to get beads. Got to hang at Silkys for a bit and see everyone all dressed up.